Parasites – it is the most simple organisms, viruses, fungi, or worms, which are parasites on/in the man. For them, we are a kind of "house", "housing", where they can settle and live happily unilaterally. They can be both external (lice, leeches, bedbugs and other), "" called ectoparasites; and internal (endoparasites).
The latter point of view has the property to accumulate in the human body, allowing you to select the most favorite, difficult to reach areas of the intestine, internal organs, in the mud, where rarely "look at someone, and even drugs.
With his "comrades" — toxins and dross, they are a direct development of chronic diseases, which are capable of long time not to disturb him, because the process of this weakness, but once "learned" in the unexpected form of a heart attack or worsening.
Even this small amount of information raises the question of the institute: "How to break up with these interesami once and for ever, yes for that they forgot the way back.
On any action there will always be any opposition, this is why we offer you an overview of the best ways for anti-parasitic cleansing the body for the year 2020.
Let us fight with these "uninvited" guests, and to see that".
The cleanliness – the guarantee of any
Cleanliness – was, is and will be a guarantee of health.
If you honda that we are with you "home", it must be beautiful on the outside and purely arranged inside. And for the abode remained so permanently, then you need not to "spend" in it. In other words, of the slag of the organization offers education, the growth of the microflora pathogenic.
In normal quantities, it is necessary in normal life. But if the balance is disturbed, it has created a favorable environment for the parasites that will feel very comfortable.
Unpleasant "gifts"
Depending on the location and type of infection in the body appear the parasites and begin to conduct activities of:
- the absorption of nutrients;
- the secretion of toxins, the increase of their concentration;
- the formation of the various of the institute;
- the development of gastric diseases, intestinal;
- the formation of mucus;
- the accumulation of dead skin cells;
- the conquest of the liver;
- the development of dysbiosis; Aids, oncology;
- diseases of joints, muscle, venous;
- the onset of cystitis, pyelonephritis, gazoobrazovania, constipation, diarrhea;
- the growth of the institute in the form of cysts;
- the accompanying bad smells from the mouth, when the sweating, defecation, the release of gas;
- assignment of acne and rashes on the cover skin;
- the decrease in immunity;
- the onset of the anemia;
- the development of allergies.

List unpleasant "gift" is much more broad. But this list of enough to, it became the direct authority action.
For the victory over "the enemy" it is necessary to know its strengths and weaknesses, what he likes (to steal it), and what to lose power (for a gain of shock).
The strengths and weaknesses of the parasites
During the "favourable" the internal atmosphere of the body of the parasites feel very well and ready for the development of their negative activities.
They are strong and capable to reproduce:
- bulimia;
- excessive consumption of sweets;
- the adoption of the food-free diet;
- meal mixed;
- preference to sweets, cakes, biscuits, white bread and products;
- love to be canned, sweet, soft drinks, etc
Everything that has progressively led to a disturbance of taste and preferences. This is the main path to education parasitic gatherings.
The sources of seepage can be:
- availability is not the progestogen-only pets.
- the non-observance of personal hygiene;
- bad habits.
All of this led to the proliferation of the acidic environment in the body, the process of putrefaction and decomposition, such a preferred and required for microbial parasites.
Their names are known
Divide endoparasites you can into two major groups:
- the protozoa (giardia, amoeba, trichomonas and others);
- worm (tapeworms).
They have enough different sizes: from the microscopic to massive, depending on the species.
In his "body" is composed of about 400 species. The most common helminths:
- round, small sizes, roundworm, pinworm, et al;
- band, wave, pig, dwarf taenia;
- flukes – liver, lung, blood, intestine.
How to avoid meeting
The reason for the occurrence of helminth infection are the hands dirty, a reminder on the washing of that, especially before eating, relentlessly, seems to be our loving grandmothers and moms. Or through the skin, mucous membranes.
Necessarily the purification or treatment:
- hands after using the toilet, walks in the street;
- dishes for cooking and eating;
- the room in which you reside;
- before the use of the house of the milk;
- the products used in their raw form: fruit, vegetables, herbs;
- meat, fish, fats, eggs before cooking or salting;
- after contact with animals (domestic or street), insect bites.

The exceptions also include:
- bathing in the wrong places, the consumption of water in them;
- the running of the house in outdoor shoes;
- the access to the products of flies and cockroaches;
- the use of dung as fertilizer on the garden sites.
The observance of these precautions should get into the habit of each, will prevent the "meetings" and further "cohabitation" with internal parasites or their larvae.
In fact, with the exception of the liver and the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, they can be installed in:
- the muscles;
- eyes;
- the brain;
- the blood;
- the joints;
- the lungs;
- the heart of man.
You will agree, is not very pleasant neighborhood.
The presence of flora pathogen in the body is a normal phenomenon, no human body is no exception.
The cause of the excitement can only be caused by an imbalance in the body and the "arm of blankets on him-even" parasitic annihilate them.
You propose a test to detect signs that speak of a problem of balance and the overall assessment of the state of the body.
After each question, check the score corresponding to:
"no" — 0;
"sometimes," — 1;
"yes" — 2.
- If you have morning sickness, accompanied, if the cleaning of the teeth and the meal of the unpleasant sensations?
- Is you paleness of the skin, lips or gum?
- If you have anemia, and lends itself-does it have a medicinal treatment?
- Is inherent if you have a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area?
- You have digestive problems, sour stomach, indigestion?
- If you look at the changeability of stool (constipation, diarrhea, change in color, spots)?
- Do you notice the severity of the under-right quadrant?
- Inherent if you have frequent headaches to migraines?
- You receive periodically if you have a cough?
- Do you feel a pain at the knee, the elbow, the hip, joints the joints?
- If you have a sharp drop in the view?
- You wake up at night grinding their teeth?
- You are constantly tormented by hunger, and you have all the time in the mood to eat?
- Have you noticed any skin rashes, allergies, itching of the skin?
- Have you noticed the appearance of a swelling on the hands or feet?
- You get tired quickly of the whole person physical or mental work?
- You have diagnosed a chronic disease, which lend themselves poorly to treatment?
- Notice at all times or at the frequency of abdominal pain or other organs?
- The blood tests show that there is the change in the rate of leukocyte, protein, eosinophils?
- Periodically you mind the itching of the anus?
- Have you noticed similar characteristics with other members of your family?
Now count the number of points and find out the answer below.
0 – 6. Instead, you are in good health, although we can not say with certainty, because the initial phase of the parasites difficult identifiable. Go preventive anti parasitic of the purification of the body.
7 – 17. A high probability of the presence of parasites in the body. Recommended anti parasite cleaning.
18 – 24. It seems that you there are several types of worms. Need an anti parasitic service!
25 — 42. If you do not consider yourself a hypochondriac persons or whistleblowers, you have confirmed the presence of virus. It is strongly recommended and anti-parasitic destination.
The main thing – not to panic and contact an expert.
Of common traits, information on the availability of parasitic infestations (infiltration) are:
- the fragility of hair;
- the fragility of the nails;
- eruptions on the skin;
- cough;
- cracks in the heels;
- irritability;
- the excess or lack of weight;
- easy excitability;
- the grinding of teeth during sleep, and al
The symptoms of helminth infection are:
- bad breath;
- the acrid smell of the urine;
- the prolonged absence of the defecation;
- the loss of appetite;
- a substantial reduction of the weight.
All of these signs and symptoms are related, because they can be symptoms of different diseases.
They can not replace the results of laboratory or bio-resonance investigation, on the basis of which the treating physician with 100% certainty deliver a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate medication.
Service, service and cleaning
Even if you are already sure that you have someone's life", all is not as bad as it sounds.
There are ways to calculate the helminth parasites of the body, namely:
- the changeover to a good diet: cereals, honey (of Kandidov), milk products low-fat, fruit, vegetables, nuts, herbs, representatives of the family of legumes, etc ;
- the consumption of fresh fruit juice, especially beetroot (trichomonas, herpes, bacteriosis), carrot, weight loss;
- the use of spices in the preparation process of the foods that have a broad spectrum anti parasitic action;
- the presence of bitterness in the diet;
- extract of ginseng, eleutherococcus, and even rose-hips;
- healthy of the famine;
- the use of drugs;
- the application of the remedies.
These activities are designed to change the acidic environment of the stomach, the "beloved" infested on alkaline, is incompatible with their livelihoods.
During the passage of a PP (nutrition), the body will first "rebel" and requiring the roast potatoes with the meat, of the night, with a bit of sugar with a butter bread and sweet tea.
Remember that this is a quirk present toxins, slag formations parasitic savings.
With the beginning of the PP is the beginning of purification.
In the most pure, the body is not the ground for their habitat and breeding conditions for the full, a comfortable existence.
During the passage of a PP first, there is a deterioration of health, headaches, the craving for alcohol and other bad habits, fat and heavy, the food, the exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Be aware that want your inhabitants of parasites. All these signs exist before the launch of the healing process.
But here the importance of an individual approach. The pensioner is not suitable, the gross denial of the habit of the diet, which " will become a "culinary adventure" for the younger man. And an exacerbation of the temporary wound in general may frighten the adult patient wanting to change something in your life-style. When young people see this as a temporary test to achieve the goal of sanitation.
Gradually PP will lead to the transformation of the body:
- change in the chemical composition of cells;
- upgrade of the tissues, corrupted by a bad hygiene of life, on new;
- the sanitation of the microflora of the intestine.
More dirty of the body, the more difficult it will be to spend cleaning.

It is possible to repeat up to several times to obtain a complete result.
PP revitalizes the body at the cellular level, the result of which increases the immunity of the body and its ability to heal itself of all the functions.
Anti-parasitic regime
Because the products are a fundamental factor in the subject of the purification of the body, during the preparation for cleaning is necessary to exclude some products:
- Sweets of all kinds, and sugar: the sweet fruits to replace the acids, sweet and sour, dried fruits. In extreme cases, you can leave 1-2 tablespoon of honey. By adding in the tea of the herb stevia, you can get a drink 2-in-1: it will give you candy to the drink and adds an anti parasitic action.
- Dairy products, meat, fish. In exceptional cases, to reduce the fish consumption up to 2-3 times per week.
- The white bread, pasta, butter pastries, cakes, cakes, yeast product. A good replacement " will become black, without leaven, the bread of the whole grain. The pasta, by changing the varieties of flour.
In the remainder, we get:
- Whole grain cereal, 1 time per day, because cooked food and leads to acidification.
- Steamed, baked, steamed vegetables;
- The greenery is any useful;
- A delicious drink to complement a diet menu, will green smoothies.
- Raw vegetables, fruits, fresh fruit juice will help in the period of purification.
- Drinking water in sufficient quantity.

If the proportion of these products was previously in the menu of your minimum, then the transition must be smooth, gradual.
For the more advanced "shiners" there is such a subject, as a raw food diet.
After such a regime is the alkalinization of the body, which, in the case of pathogenic parasites: their number decreases at the time of the practice of PP.
The application of the separation of the food to facilitate the digestion of the food with the addition of an active holiday, hiking, visits to the swimming pool, the sauna, morning, the contrast shower, all of this contributes to the rapid elimination of only imprisoned "waste" in the body.
Not to forget the meaning of the action: necessarily be attentive to your well-being and the reactions of the body, so as not to do too much.
Well, if you can manage to spend on PP and stay there permanently.
If this is not possible, take at least 2 weeks of the phase in) before cleaning, on the basis of a healthy diet.
If this method for you to be difficult, you should not torment you, nor his "zoo", because half-measures are not here to help, but only harm.
Not all of the parasites, you can view it using a healthy diet, even if it is very powerful, "pink" for them.
To speed up the process, in complex cases or to enhance the effect, apply to:
- medications;
- the traditional recipes with the application of herbs.
Pharmacy of the tool
All medications anti-parasitic drugs can be divided into 2 groups:
- with the oil composition is more gentle on the body, with a minimum of side effects (Bada);
- synthetic — aggressive, giving more results, more effective, bringing a secondary effect on the body.
1-phase of preparation of the GASTRO-intestinal and functional biliary system to be a powerful influence against the available parasites, namely:
- the liquidation of the intestinal constipation;
- the removal of a spasm, from the destruction of the activities of pathogenic organisms.
It is a necessary measure to clear the way for medicines.
In the purification of the intestine, and the recovery of the bile duct help of these herbal ingredients, such as:
- senna;
- the tansy;
- excerpts: a grove of aspen bark, and garlic.
At this time going and sweet, but a devastating effect on worm bodies.
The action of the phase 2 is based on components with a powerful detrimental to an active action of their action is reinforced by a past of phase):
- The extract of fennel; its essential oil, taking care of paralyze action on the microbial organisms, advanced cleaning request for information request for information, and reducing the sensation of pain.
- Knapweed, a devastating effect including the double for the account of tansy, an anti-parasitic plant. Occurs the death of the little worms of earth, paralysis major species.
- Their removal from the body due to the continuation of the receipt of the phase 1.
After cleaning the body, you need to:
- the restoration of the microflora of the GASTRO-intestinal tract;
- the removal of the toxic effects;
- the destruction of residues of infectious organisms that come out of the hard to reach areas.
It is possible with the help of:
- ginger;
- the oil of bergamot;
- four-spice honey;
- viburnum.
- herbal ingredients;
- security.
- an individual intolerance components;
- long course of reception.
- ideal for the intestines in good health and taken. paths.
The more often the parasites are digested substance that you can not distinguish them from the total mass. But if you have yet to witness a output full of the individual, do not be afraid it is much better to pass from the existence of pathogen organism that provides a "bouquet" of the negative impact on the body from the inside out.
After the application of the anti-parasitic funds, it is recommended to drink on the rate of vitamins for the remediation and restoration of the whole organism.
Folk remedies
For lovers of treatment of folk remedies there are many recipes anti-parasitic the purification of compounds of the following elements:
- the celandine;
- absinthe;
- se;
- the clove;
- the garlic, etc

Most common and the most known is the purification using cucurbit seeds, which is ideal for both pediatric and adult patients; for the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitina, which is the disabling of the impact on worms. They are deprived of the opportunity to cling to a support to the walls of the internal organs and start away from the traffic at the exit.
This tool can be applied in the case where there are contraindications to receive the drugs.
Presented to the application:
- children;
- retirees;
- patients with chronic illnesses and flare-ups;
- pregnant during the whole pregnancy;
- moms who are breastfeeding.
Makes this product is simply invaluable natural gift of extra nutrients in the form:
- zinc;
- iron;
- manganese;
- copper;
- the phosphorus;
- a complex of vitamins A, b, E, k;
- several types of amino acids.
Home recommended per day as a preventative measure:
- children up to 12 years old – 0,75 gr.;
- from the age of 12 – 150 gr.;
- adults – 200 gr.
Schs or roasted pumpkin seeds take on an empty stomach, clearing skin, make sure you chew. You can grind their gourd to the flour.
The ingestion of the entire cucurbit seeds of the therapeutic effect will not occur.
After a few minutes (2-3), it will be necessary to take laxatives or have an enema for the removal of helminths.
Because pumpkin seeds have a diuretic, choleretic and action laxative, they are contraindicated for patients with:
- disorders of the stomach or intestine;
- patients with pyelonephritis;
- cystitis;
- dropfrom;
- the renal failure.
- accessibility;
- security;
- has not palocci;
- adopted by medicine official;
- ideal for the prevention;
- does not cause allergies.
- cleaning of the seeds, it will take time, patience, perseverance.
To strengthen the anti-parasitic action, as well as to accelerate the process of purification of the seed, you can add other products.
- Honey.
To 300 grams. hulled seeds add half a cup of warm water + 30 gr. liquid honey (you can warm it up in a bain-marie). The consistency should turn out as a thick cream. Received the volume eating for an hour, in small portions, before breakfast. After 3-4 hours of needs a technique a laxative. This recipe is suitable for children. - The milk.
1 glass of non-treated, roasted seeds mixed with 1 cup of milk, pour into the blender. Take the place of breakfast, like smoothies. 1 hour after the reception to drink 1 glass of water after 1 hour of drinking 2 to 3 glasses of water.After 3 hours of taking a laxative. This anti-parasitic method is ideal for pregnant women. It is not only get rid of the worms, but still:- will improve the hemoglobin;
- slow the decline of the view;
- soften the toxemia,
- will reduce the swelling;
- saves the health of the skin, hair, nails;
- improve the sleep.
- Garlic.
200 gr. non-processed roast seeds + 5 — 6 garlic pods and grind in a blender. Leave to soak for 12 to 15 hours. Take 30 grams. 3 hours before the meal. 4-day course. The children can add the honey. - Ribobero.
Will need about 25 seeds that you need to swallow carefully masticated before it. At the end of an hour consumed 15 ml of oil castor oil. Repeat the procedure at regular intervals (approximately) 3 times. During the day of a successful 4 reception. During 2 to 3 days. - The dill seeds.
Prepare an infusion of dill seeds, let it rest. Add the grated pumpkin seed until liquid sour cream. Take on an empty stomach 40 gr. product received. - Freshly carrot juice.
1 glass of juice, add 50 gr. milled seeds. The reception on an empty stomach, 1 hour prior to the morning meal. During 25 days. Adults and children 12 years and older, you can add 1 clove of garlic. - Pumpkin oil.
Indicated for the reception of adults. 30 ml/day, 20 minutes before meals, 4 rv/day. - Pumpkin milk.
Prepared at home, for the children.

In conclusion
In this article, we have tried to find an important theme of the internal purification of the body as a whole and of the necessity of the maintenance of its own. In fact, it depends on our state of health and life expectancy, which with a good anti-parasite cleansing has the property to increase from 15 to 25 years.
It sounds good, doesn't it?